1. Can you create a quilt for my new grandbaby?

Absolutely! Contact me and we can discuss options, colors, style and price.

2. How do you make a memory quilt?

First we talk about how large of a quilt, which kind of clothing or items you want included in the quilt and how quickly you would like the quilt to be finished. Most can be completed in 2-3 months. Prices range from approximately $200 for a simple crib size to $1200 for a queen size with some embellishments. (Patches, pockets from jackets, special embroidered memories)

3. How do I make an appointment for alterations?

Best is to call or text. My phone number is available at all hours, I will not get back to you in the middle of the night, so try to call during business hours.

4.How long does it take to get my wedding dress altered?

Most can be done in 2-4 weeks. It all depends on the time of year, how many other brides are on my schedule and also the amount of work needed for your particular dress.

5. What do I need to bring to my alteration appointment?

Bring your shoes, any undergarments you will be wearing with the dress, and jewelry if you need to be sure a piece will work with your neckline, or similar issue. Undergarments change the way a dress hangs on you, and shoes alter the way you stand, so your rear end can cause the dress’s hem to go higher or lower.

6. Can I shop in person?

Yes, BUT by appointment only. Since I work from my home, I need to keep my schedule separate from my home life. Thanks for understanding!